Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Second take on Leonardo Dicaprio

Day 34 Portrait: Leonardo Dicaprio

As you might or might not remember, I drew Leonardo once before on the 8th day of the project. You can see the result here. I guess there's slight resemblance and I think I was somewhat even satisfied back then, but still in retrospective the result could have been better.

So, take 2. 

For a start I thought that taking different photo reference would help. This is because in the first portrait of Leonardo I used photo reference which appeared to me to be slightly photoshopped, there's something with lighting or something is... wrong.  To me Leonardo doesn't have his "typical" characteristics visible enough in that photo. Anyway. The lack of these characteristics to me might have caused poor starting point to draw the portrait. So, the lesson learnt is: Always pick up the photo reference where you can see the true character of the person you're drawing.

The following portrait is therefore take two on Leonardo and even though I can see here and there possible improvements, in general, I'm satisfied with the result and it was fun also to try markers along graphite pencils just to bring this sort of stylized feel.

1 hr, graphite pencils (also a hue of color pencils) and markers on A4 sketch paper.

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