Thursday, March 26, 2015

Doodling on second last day of the project

Day 49.

As the final day of the project approaches I find myself not quite as productive as I wanted myself to be. My head is just... blank. Maybe I'm a bit fatigued of the project itself by now or maybe it's just the realization of that it's almost over. Or maybe it's the "Pirates - Tides of Fortune" which I started to play 4 days ago on facebook. That thing is the time killer. But who knows. :) Or maybe it's the "produce something every day and move on to next thing" - process which have taken slightly a toll on me as many times I don't have time to finalize something I want because I have to move on to next  day and next thing.

Anyway. It has been great so far and I've learned a lot but at times I have this feeling I could take whatever task I'm working on and perfect it further for more than couple of hours or a day. So, if you're reading this and you're thinking about doing something similar as me, one lesson for me was to pace yourself in a way and that you have tasks with different length. Try working on something for longer than just one day.

So, tomorrow is the final day. I have to think how to summarize this whole experience and in meanwhile, here are doodles from today.

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