Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Day 39

Wanted to do some drawing in digital today. The way I typically work, even in digital is that I create rather fast thumbnail sketches by hand on paper to get the feel for overall composition up until I think I've found something interesting. Then I scan it and import to photoshop (or other software). I do tend to draw without references in front of me if I feel like imagining something, but if I feel uncertain how something is drawn, there's no other way than look for the reference. Because if not, you'll get unnatural result or something will be a bit off.

In this case I did look for reference images of mountains, boulders and rocks. I bumped into amazing article by John Muir Laws about how to draw rocks. I do highly recommend it.

After spending some time drawing out rocks, and believe me, there's tons of rock types, so it's not that easy as it sounds! I felt like I had an idea what the drawing will be like. I wanted to picture somebody hiding behind pile of rocks. Somebody who'd likely to completely avoid the confrontation but would do it if he/she needs to. Not a typical ambush situation that is. At the beginning I even thought about making it a robot/machine chasing men, but at the end I felt like using men to even out chances of survival of those who are in the hideout. But who'll win in the end and will they be discovered at all - no idea.

The work itself: Original sketch on paper 30 min. Digital work in photoshop around 1,5 hours.

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