Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Down the hill

Day 42

Just couldn't make up my mind today, what to work on today. Did try to draw the GT version digitally of the old Moskvitch 412 car we used to have when I was a kid, but it didn't work out. Somehow lines felt out of place, so I thought to continue with that another day. Next time, when working on that car concept I better do it analog first, draw several versions with pencils on my sketchpad to find that line work I'm satisfied with and then take it to Photoshop. In addition to the car concept today, sketched out one scenery with the castle on top, but that somehow didn't have the novelty for me, so I left it aside for the time being.

So because I felt its one of those days when you know it's not working out, I thought it was the perfect time to work on other stuff for your mind to have a rest. Therefore I took the sketch I did yesterday with two kids on the sledge going fast down the hill, and started working on that. Added some color and something I would never do - a filter. I used the "sponge" filter in photoshop and that gave the whole thing a slight postcard feeling. Even though, this is not 100% ready yet, and values are not quite right, there's something in this image I like. Overall, 2 hours of work and I'll get back to this one again at some point. 

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