Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Afterlife of the 50 days drawing project

The Afterlife of the 50 days drawing project

A more than a year passed since the end of 50 days drawing project. The project lasted for bit more than 3 months, from the January 12th to 27nd of March in 2015. Even though short as such that period of time was a true emotional roller coaster. Full of ups and downs. Getting frustrated a lot of times as my skills were so far away from where I wanted them to be. At times on other hand I got it right and did produce something I was happy with, hence occasional little triumphs.

And so the project ended I went back to the 'real' work, back to UX/Service design projects and more or less left my drawing to be for a while. Some time passed and I knew I had to write an ending. A 'lessons learned' part. Something all decent projects have and so does this one deserves one also!
So... drum rolls... Here it goes.

"It's your thing, do what you wanna do."

Ok, more like a mantra for the project. A reason behind all the fuss. The Isley Brothers were and still are on to something important. Life is short. Fill it with something you love. Do stuff.

"You find new things when you're lost."

Or so does Karl Pilkington. I had little plan before I started the project and pretty much jumped into drawing portraits. Why? I had a long list of things for the year long project which didn't worked out so for the shorter project I guessed the day-at-a-time approach would work better. So I did had no plan as such. A bit of uncertain feeling, but I gave it a go. Waking up in the morning, making some espresso and thinking about the drawing subject for that day. Slow mornings. I miss them. :)

It takes 10 000 hrs to get really good at something.

I believe this is correct. And by the end of the project I was not even close to 10 000 hours! The amount of time I spent on the project was ...  around 250-300 hours. Not that much! Yet the feedback - which by the way and for which I am truly grateful -  gave me the impression of progress especially towards the end of the project. Was there a progress? Looking back, I'd like to think I progressed at least a little. And even if the progress was very little, that still proves there is no other way than work hard to master something. No shortcuts to happiness.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

My experience in drawing was very basic at the beginning of the project. No fine art education background. But I drew from the very young age. That was just something I loved to do. In addition I did go to design school where I got degrees in industrial design. That even by this day still does help in e.g. thinking three-dimensionally alongside other things learned, but it does not give a set of tools and methodology the fine art education gives.

So without fine art education and basic drawing skills I started to draw portraits. Very frustrating most of a time, because of the high-kept bar, lots of poking around and learning by making mistakes. Having the blog was actually an extremely good way to get rid (at least partially) of the perfectionism burden. I promised myself to publish something every day I did something.  Regardless how good, ill-made, work-in-progress or unfinished that was. I still published that. What a catharctic experience.

I love youtube

It is very easy nowadays to get information on anything from the interwebs and especially the youtube. Also on drawing, techniques. From the myriad of artists. "The world is your oyster". I watched lots of videos whenever I had chance, and with that I can say that instead of single artist I was following the community.

Learning to see

Finally, the biggest revelation to me during the progress was that I started looking at the world slightly differently. Paying attention to specific details, light, shadow -  anything critical to the drawing I wanted to make. Making my hand on other hand draw what I see, is then another story. :) Still working on that.

Off to a new project!

Hopefully you were not exhausted by reading all of this. But hey, good news! In case you didn't know - we have a baby: new project! I guess you might have figured out that 50 days of drawing might continue on some level. So it does. After I realised I missed drawing too much yet didn't have the place or time to do that - that screamed for new challenge!  And what would have been more challenging than doing the thing for the whole year instead of 50.

So without further ado here is the new project called: 

It is focused mostly on digital drawing ( I have iPad pro now ! ) and hosted on tumblr. I'll uploded few images here to give you an idea what it is about. Stay tuned!

Friday, March 27, 2015

The conclusion of the 50 days drawing project

Day 50

This is it! Final day. I'll let the picture to tell the story as there is no way I could do it any better. Thank you all for visiting this blog during these three months. And thank you for your support and the encouragement. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Doodling on second last day of the project

Day 49.

As the final day of the project approaches I find myself not quite as productive as I wanted myself to be. My head is just... blank. Maybe I'm a bit fatigued of the project itself by now or maybe it's just the realization of that it's almost over. Or maybe it's the "Pirates - Tides of Fortune" which I started to play 4 days ago on facebook. That thing is the time killer. But who knows. :) Or maybe it's the "produce something every day and move on to next thing" - process which have taken slightly a toll on me as many times I don't have time to finalize something I want because I have to move on to next  day and next thing.

Anyway. It has been great so far and I've learned a lot but at times I have this feeling I could take whatever task I'm working on and perfect it further for more than couple of hours or a day. So, if you're reading this and you're thinking about doing something similar as me, one lesson for me was to pace yourself in a way and that you have tasks with different length. Try working on something for longer than just one day.

So, tomorrow is the final day. I have to think how to summarize this whole experience and in meanwhile, here are doodles from today.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ryder concepts

Day 48.

Various ideas/concepts on "rider" girl theme with brushes by Maciej Kucera. Still learning how to apply those properly.

The Pilot

The Chase

Rider girl, sketch.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What two years old could ask one to draw?

Day 47.

This morning before my two years old daughter (2 yrs 2 months) was taken to the daycare, I asked her what I should draw today. Here's what she said: "A robot." What kind of a robot? "Hedgehog." Where does it live? "In Africa." Okay. Actually it was the same thing she said day before, but I just didn't came up with anything on that day, but since the same wish was repeated there was no other way than start drawing.

So, I did some sketching out on paper and came up with the following. I have no idea if my daughter will make any sense of it when I'll pick her up from the daycare and show the result to her. In meanwhile, here it is:

African hedgehog robot

Around 3 hours of experimenting in Photoshop. First sketching out, then "finalizing" the final outcome, which is still quite rough.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Forest in moonlight

Day 46.

Further testing of brushes by Maciej Kucara. Almost found ones, suitable for the purpose (bush, grass..). Fast sketch, test. Around 30 min on Photoshop. I like especially the light on the foreground, white reflection, kinda accidental. :)


Day 46.

As in contrast to stuff posted previously today thought about drawing something cute. I didn't have to go further than my 2 year old daughter for the inspiration. :)